blog and guide

Ratgeber Topper 💡

Topper Guide 💡

Guide: Cold foam topper, gel foam topper and visco topper – the perfect topper for your mattress A mattress topper is a great way to improve the comfort of your...

Topper Guide 💡

Guide: Cold foam topper, gel foam topper and visco topper – the perfect topper for your mattress A mattress topper is a great way to improve the comfort of your...

Ratgeber Matratzen 💡

Mattress Guide 💡

Guide: Pocket spring, cold foam and gel foam mattresses – which one is right for you? Choosing the right mattress is crucial for a restful sleep. If you sleep well...

Mattress Guide 💡

Guide: Pocket spring, cold foam and gel foam mattresses – which one is right for you? Choosing the right mattress is crucial for a restful sleep. If you sleep well...

Nachhaltig und günstig: Warum B-Ware Matratzen besser für deinen Geldbeutel und die Umwelt sind ♻️

Sustainable and affordable: Why B-stock mattres...

Sustainable and affordable: Why B-stock mattresses are better for your wallet and the environment In a world that is increasingly placing value on sustainability and economy, second-hand mattresses offer an...

Sustainable and affordable: Why B-stock mattres...

Sustainable and affordable: Why B-stock mattresses are better for your wallet and the environment In a world that is increasingly placing value on sustainability and economy, second-hand mattresses offer an...